Thursday, November 29, 2007

Now the trees are offensive

Missouri State University decided to remove a Christmas tree from their atrium at Strong Hall.

Now, thanks to widespread protests, it's back up.

The school president, Michael T. Nietzel, said this. "We decided this is the right thing to do. Missouri State is an institution at which many different religions are represented, and we try to be sensitive to the many views people hold."

It sounds like he got right.

A faculty member was the original complaintant, saying that tree showed "a lack of sensitivity" to those of other religions.

I didnt know trees could show any emotions, let alone sensitivity!

In case you are wondering, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that a Christmas trees are secular symbols, as are menorahs.

I would never argue that a Christmas tree is part of my faith -- and thus it is silly for those of the anti-Christmas to be offended by this supposed display of religion. It's not. It's cultural. So leave them up.

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